<h1>Works of A. A. Bogdanov in the Marxist literature of the 20s</h1>

Democratic centralism is fundamentally different from both bureaucratic centralism and anarcho-syndicalism, which was advocated by some figures of the trade union movement. Lenin's justification of the principle of democratic centralism is also important for modern forms of organization of the national economy: regardless of the degree of marketability of the socialist economy, the principle of democratic centralism must necessarily underlie the entire hierarchical structure of the national economy.

Lenin's principles were defended in their works by N. I. Bukharin, V. P. Milyutin, I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, L. N. Kritsman, G. M. Krzhizhanovsky and a number of other Marxists who worked together with V. I. Lenin. Here we cannot give a detailed analysis of their works, but we note that even after the death of V. I. Lenin, they defended precisely the Leninist alternative to building socialism in the USSR. This alternative excluded any violence against the peasantry and assumed a long path of gradual cooperation of peasant farms, first in the process of circulation, and then in the sphere of production. None of the above-mentioned Marxists envisioned the violent "strangulation" of the peasantry undertaken during the years of the so-called "solid collectivization"; it is not by chance that all of them gradually withdrew from active participation in the leadership of socialist construction.

A special place in the Marxist literature of the 20s is occupied by the works of A. A. Bogdanov. He had a great influence on the education of a whole generation of Marxists. Bogdanov's methodology was formed gradually and reached its highest development in the "universal organizational science" — the basis of modern cybernetics. Starting from the first works on political economy and dialectics of nature, A. A. Bogdanov steadily moved along the path of defining the natural science principles underlying the idea of isomorphism — from social systems to astronomical systems. The idea of isomorphism in science was born much earlier than the ideas about the commonality of self-regulation mechanisms in different groups of phenomena were clearly formulated. A. A. Bogdanov, relying on the historical point of view, showed the origin of the unity of regulatory mechanisms in heterogeneous phenomena, the origin of the idea of "mobile equilibrium" as the main characteristic of the process of progressive development of the world. It was A. A. Bogdanov who revealed the understanding of the Universe as a system of ordered equilibrium systems. escortannonce.net/escorts/lyon/

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